7 facts about a women's body

Our body is one of the most amazing things in this world, it allows us to bear children, pumps blood continuously through all parts of our body etc. The functions our body performs are amazing. Therefore, this post would feature the 5 amazing facts about a woman's body. 


1. Women tend to have stronger immune systems 

Women tend to have stronger immune systems as it develops over time because of her main role in giving birth and caring for offspring. 


2. Women having better memory than men 

Women have been found to outdo men in memory tests and remember faces better than men as they subconsciously spend more time studying the features of new faces. 

3. A women's uterus is strong 

A women's uterus may be small but it can grow up to the size of a watermelon during pregnancy. Furthermore, during a contraction it gives a force of roughly 1.938kg/m2 of pressure. 

4. Women's muscles are flexible 

A woman's muscle is very flexible as their tendons contain more elastin and their muscles and their lower spine has evolved to accommodate childbirth which results in greater flexibility. 

5. Woman tend to have good muscle endurance 

Studied have found that women can exercise about 75% longer than men in stamina exercises and they may have more efficient metabolism within their muscles compared to men.  

A woman's body is indeed wonderful. 


Till next time xx,

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